Our Approach
The HiH EA enterprise development model is premised on the need to create sustainable income generating activities by addressing major challenges facing many small-scale farmers/entrepreneurs. The Hand in Hand approach sees job creation as a highly effective development tool where micro-entrepreneurs are key drivers for economic
growth and poverty reduction. The model supports job creation via four interlinked components: –

Our Training Modules
Group Mobilization and Formation
HiH EA offers training on group dynamics, group records’ management, leadership and group governance in efforts to promote group cohesion and sustainability.
Savings and Mobilization
This training focuses on inculcating a savings culture that helps members accumulate savings which enable them improve their purchasing power, credit worthiness as well as have better capacity for enterprise creation and development.
Enterprise Development
HiH EA’s enterprise development training is designed to equip members with knowledge and skills to start, grow and sustain profitable enterprises
Financial Management
HiH EA’s financial management training is designed to help members plan, budget, invest, borrow wisely and meet financial obligations associated with their businesses.
Value Chain Development
HiH EA equips its members with relevant skills that enable them to position themselves strategically in various value chain nodes as per their capabilities. Members fit themselves in; production, processing, transportation, value addition, aggregation & selling, value addition among other value chain initiatives.
Credit Access
This training enhances the members’ (beneficiaries’) capacity to understand the dynamics of; capital access, credit management, record keeping, investment of borrowed capital to generate profits & paying back. It helps instils financial discipline among self-help group members through a co- guarantorship approach.
Climate Change Resilience Building.
HiH EA equips its members with relevant knowledge, skills and right attitude that will help them adapt to climate change and become resilient as they generate green businesses for economic growth.
Project Theme 01
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The ultimate objective of HiH EA is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and of gender disparities that are endemic in Kenya. This will be achieved after a combination of measures, that taken together break down barriers and unlock the entrepreneurial potential of programme participants. This then gives them tools that enable them to access growing markets and thereby increase their incomes.
HiH Eastern Africa perceives of the government’s focus on job creation as monumental and therefore strives to participate in this agenda with incomparable enthusiasm. It works through social mobilization and enterprise training in various communities to help these to discover their entrepreneurial talents and potential. This improves incomes and food sufficiency alleviating poverty.
Our Members
Strategic Pillars
- 1. Sustainable Enterprise Development
- 2. Strategic Communication
- 3. People And Processes
- 4. Resource Mobilization And Management
- 5. Partnerships And Advocacy

Sustainable Enterprise Development
- Grow enterprise viability (average net profit per year per enterprise supported from Kshs 97,250 to Kshs 276,000.
- Strengthen the resilience of enterprises and build their capacity for survival.
- Entrench evidence-based and quality programming.

Strategic Communication
- Position HiH-EA as the to-go-to agency on enterprise development.
- Enhance internal and external communication.

People And Processes
- Build a high performance and people-centric culture.
- Improve effectiveness and efficiency of organizational processes.
- Implement growth-supportive and strategy-aligned organizational structure.
- Strengthen corporate governance.
- Expand to 40 counties in Kenya and support regional expansion of the HiH EA network to a third country by the end of 2027.

Resource Mobilization And Management
- Grow institutional funding by 20% year on year and diversify funding sources.
- Enhance internal controls for increased social return on investment.
- Establish data-driven responsive and effective design processes.

Partnerships And Advocacy
- Improve HiH EA’s strategic positioning and engagement on advocacy.
- Grow and maintain a strategic partners’ portfolio.
- Leverage partnerships and collaborations to increase and deepen impact.
Safeguarding Principles
HiH EA has zero tolerance against abuse and exploitation of children and vulnerable adults. HiH EA also recognizes that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that it has an obligation to put in place reasonable measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults with whom it works with and those in the communities. HiH EA works to the following key principles to protect children and vulnerable adults:
Everyone has an equal right to protection from abuse and exploitation regardless of age, tribe, gender, marital status, family status, religion, political or other opinion, disability, or other status.
The best interests of the children and vulnerable adults are paramount and shall be a primary consideration in decision making
HiH EA will take responsibility to meet its obligations regarding its duty towards vulnerable people, and take action where it believes that a child, or vulnerable adult receiving our intervention is at risk or is actually harmed.
HiH EA will ensure that employees and volunteers are inducted in our safeguarding standards and procedures as a key part of the recruitment and on-boarding process.
HiH EA will ensure that all partners are informed and in compliance with our safeguarding standards.
HiH EA recognizes that an element of risk exists, and while it may never be able to totally remove this, it shall to do all it can to reduce the risk or limit its impact.
HiH EA respects confidentiality and has a responsibility to protect sensitive personal data. Information should only be shared and handled on a need-to-know basis, that is, access to the information must be necessary for the conduct of one’s official duties. Only individuals who have legitimate reasons to access the information are allowed to receive it.
HiH EA seeks always to work in ways which are culturally sensitive and that respect the diverse nature of the people it works with. Culture must not be used as an excuse to abuse children and/or vulnerable adults.