Hand in Hand EA Tanzania

TOR – Regenerative Agriculture Training

Project description

The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the economies of Tanzania, with smallholder farmers representing a significant portion of the workforce. However, many smallholder farmers face challenges in accessing relevant and practical resources that can empower them to transition from subsistence farming to successful entrepreneurship. To address this gap, Hand in Hand East Africa (HiH EA) are embarking on a 3.5-year project, (July 2023 – December 2026) funded by the HILTI Foundation. The Increasing Net-Worth of Underserved Actors (INUA) project seeks to increase the number of people reached through HiHEA’s improved four-step model of enterprise development in Tanzania. The overall objective of the project is to reduce poverty and improve household wellbeing for 12,500 people in Tanzania, creating a total of 8750 enterprises and 11,375 jobs in the process.

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