Hand in Hand EA Tanzania

Hand in Hand Eastern Africa –Tanzania (HiH EA-TZ) began operations in January 2018 and is currently operating in two field locations in Northern Tanzania. The organization works with marginalized communities in the areas of economic and social empowerment using a participatory approach aimed at helping people fight poverty and vulnerability. The Hand in Hand enterprise and job creation approach is based on a philosophy of self-help, providing training, skills, and support to enable people living in poverty, particularly women, to build and sustain independent, market-based, economic activities. This provides for a higher level of income for them and their families, which in turn contributes to greater food security, better education for children, increased access to healthcare, improved housing, and overall improved livelihoods.

Hand in Hand International based in London provides support to Hand in Hand Tanzania.

While entrepreneurship is the strategic focus of HiH-EA, the work is complemented by efforts in thematic areas that increase resilience to climate change, promote advocacy and human rights, and enhance gender mainstreaming, regenerative agriculture and circular economy among others.

What HiH is doing 

Our overarching mission is to work for the economic and social empowerment of marginalized women, youth, and men by supporting the creation of sustainable enterprises and jobs. HIH Tz has been in the country since 2016 and started operations in 2018 covering Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions where it has mobilized and trained over 18,000 members, 80%+ being women and 30%+ youth. Their operations are clustered around 9 projects on economic and social empowerment. 

Concerning training, we deliver modules such as group formation, savings culture development, enterprise development, financial management, access to credit, value addition & market linkages, and climate change resilience. Supported groups end up being Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) working at various nodes of commodities such as maize, dairy, honey, banana, rice, poultry, and the like.

We work with different partners partnerships both government and Private companies, such as in the private sector is with Kijiji cha Nyuki (Kiemi’s initiative); 

public organizations – SIDO. Mkojela Company Ltd, Animal Breeding East Africa, Maua Mazuri Tissue Culture Tanzania, and Silverlands Tanzania just to mention a few.


An empowered society with sustainable enterprises and jobs.


To facilitate communities out of poverty through creation of sustainable enterprises

Professionalism Integrity Teamwork Innovativeness Respect For All Community Focus OUR CORE VALUES

Our Board

Hand in Hand Eastern Africa leadership structure is organized and aligned to optimize performance and to effectively deliver impact. The leadership structure features a board of directors, the executive leadership team and the senior management team.

Success Stories